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Achievements / 岡本 浩二 (生命機能研究科・ミトコンドリア動態学研究室)
Index |
Publication List |
英文原著論文 NEW
邦文総説 |
Seminar / Symposium / Invited |
セミナー・シンポジウム・招待講演・業績発表会 NEW |
Awards / Evaluation |
Patents / Other |
Publication List |
英文原著論文 |
9. |
Kondo-Okamoto, N., Noda, N.N., Suzuki, S.W., Nakatogawa, H., Takahashi, I., Matsunami, M., Hashimoto, A., Inagaki, F., Ohsumi, Y., and Okamoto, K*.
Autophagy-related protein 32 acts as an autophagic degron and directly initiates mitophagy.
J. Biol. Chem., in press. *Corresponding author. (2012) |
8. |
Koshiba, T., Holman, H.A., Kubara, K., Yasukawa, K., Kawabata, S., Okamoto, K., MacFarlane, J., and Shaw, J.M.
Structure-function analysis of the yeast mitochondrial Rho GTPase, Gem1p: implications for mitochondrial inheritance.
J. Biol. Chem., 286, 354-362. (2011) |
7. |
Okamoto, K.*, Kondo-Okamoto, N., and Ohsumi, Y.*
Mitochondria-anchored receptor Atg32 mediates degradation of mitochondria via selective autophagy.
Dev. Cell, 17, 87-97. *Corresponding authors. (2009) |
6. |
Kondo-Okamoto, N., Shaw, J.M., and Okamoto, K.*
TPR proteins Tom70 and Tom71 mediate yeast mitochondrial morphogenesis.
EMBO rep., 9, 63-69. *Corresponding author. (2008) |
5. |
Kondo-Okamoto, N., Ohkuni, K., Kitagawa, K., McCaffery, J.M., Shaw, J.M.*, and Okamoto, K.*
The novel F-box protein Mfb1p regulates mitochondrial connectivity and exhibits asymmetric localization in yeast.
Mol. Biol. Cell, 17, 3756-3767. *Corresponding authors. (2006) |
4. |
Frederick, R.L., McCaffery, J.M., Cunningham K.W., Okamoto, K.*, and Shaw, J.M.*
Yeast Miro GTPase, Gem1p, regulates mitochondrial morphology via a novel pathway.
J. Cell Biol., 167, 87-98. *Corresponding authors. (2004) |
3. |
Kondo-Okamoto, N., Shaw, J.M.*, and Okamoto, K.*
Mmm1p spans both the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes and contains distinct domains for targeting and foci formation.
J. Biol. Chem., 278, 48997-49005. *Corresponding authors. (2003) |
2. |
Okamoto, K., Brinker, A., Paschen, S.A., Moarefi, I., Hayer-Hartl, M., Neupert, W., and Brunner, M.
The protein import motor of mitochondria: a targeted molecular ratchet driving unfolding and translocation.
EMBO J., 21, 3659-3671. (2002) |
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Okamoto, K., Perlman, P.S., and Butow, R.A.
The sorting of mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial proteins in zygotes: preferential transmission of mitochondrial DNA to the medial bud.
J. Cell Biol., 142, 613-623. (1998) |
英文総説 |
5. |
Okamoto, K.* and Kondo-Okamoto, N.
Mitochondria and autophagy: Critical interplay between the two homeostats.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, in press. *Corresponding author. (2011) |
4. |
Okamoto, K.*
Mitochondria breathe for autophagy.
EMBO J., 30, 2095-2096. *Corresponding author. (2011) |
3. |
Kanki, T.*, Klionsky, D.J., and Okamoto, K.*
Mitochondria autophagy in yeast.
Antioxid. Redox Signal., 14, 1989-2001. *Corresponding authors. (2011) |
2. |
Okamoto, K.*, Kondo-Okamoto, N., and Ohsumi, Y.*
A landmark protein essential for mitophagy.
Autophagy, 5, 1203-1205. *Corresponding authors. (2009) |
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Okamoto, K.*, and Shaw, J.M.*
Mitochondrial morphology and dynamics in yeast and multicellular eukaryotes.
Ann. Rev. Genet., 39, 503-536. *Corresponding authors. (2005) |
邦文総説 |
3. |
「酵母のマイトファジー〜観察からの 始まり〜」
顕微鏡,45: 83-86. (2010) |
2. |
「マイトファジー:ミトコンドリアを丸ごと分別・ 除去する仕組み」
細胞工学,29:423-428. (2010) |
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「選択的ミトコンドリア分解のしくみ―垣間見えてきたパーキン ソン病との関連」
医学の歩み,232:665-670. (2010) |
Seminar / Symposium / Invited |
セミナー・シンポジウム・招待講演・業績発表会 |
20. |
案内 |
19. |
3rd International Symposium on Membrane Biology(Zhuhai, China)
HP |
18. |
Mitochondrial Conference, Beijing 2012(Beijing, China)
HP |
17. |
6th International Symposium on Autophagy 2012(沖縄)
HP |
16. |
The 2nd UCL-JSPS International Symposium(英国)
HP 案内(pdf) |
15. |
Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology(カナダ)
案内(pdf) |
14. |
HP |
13. |
HP |
12. |
Sardinia Meeting on Mitochondrial Dynamics (イタリア)
HP |
11. |
第2回 Molecular Cardiovascular Conference II (北海道)
ポスター(pdf) |
10. |
FASEB Summer Research Conferences(Colorado)
ポスター(pdf) |
9. |
国際シンポジウム「Parkinson Disease and Mitophagy」(東京)
HP |
8. |
Barcelona BioMed Conferences(Spain)
HP ポスター(pdf) |
7. |
HP プログラム(pdf) |
6. |
The 7th conference of ASMRM and the 10th conference of J-mit(福岡)
HP プログラム(pdf) |
5. |
HP |
4. |
「The 3rd International Symposium on Protein Community」 (奈良)
HP |
3. |
「Gordon Research Conference on Mitochondria and Chloroplasts」
HP |
2. |
「University College London, WIBR Seminar」
HP |
1. |
HP ポスター(jpeg) 詳細(pdf) |
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