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Publication List |
英文原著論文 |
17. |
Fujita I., Tanaka M., and Kanoh J.
Identification of the functional domains of the telomere protein Rap1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
PLoS ONE, in press |
16. |
Fujita I., Nishihara Y., Tanaka M., Tsujii H., Chikashige Y., Watanabe Y., Saito M., Ishikawa F., Hiraoka Y., and Kanoh J.
Telomere detachment from nuclear envelope promoted by Rap1 phosphorylation ensures faithful chromosome segregation.
Curr. Biol. (in press) |
15. |
Chen, Y., Rai, R., Zhou, Z-R., Kanoh, J., Ribeyre, C., Yang, Y., Zheng, H., Damay, P., Wang, F., Tsujii, H., Hiraoka, Y., Shore, D., Hu, H-Y., Chang, S., and Lei, M.
A conserved motif within RAP1 plays diversified roles in telomere protection and regulation in different organisms.
Nature Struc. Mol. Biol. 18: 213-221 (2011) |
14. |
Mikawa, T., Kanoh, J. and Ishikawa, F.
Fission yeast Vps1 and Atg8 contribute to oxidative stress resistance.
Genes Cells, 15: 229-242. (2010) |
13. |
Miyoshi, T., Kanoh, J. and Ishikawa, F.
Fission yeast Ku protein is required for recovery from DNA replication stress.
Genes Cells, 14: 1091-1103. (2009) |
12. |
Miyoshi, T., Kanoh, J., Saito, M. and Ishikawa, F.
Fission yeast Pot1-Tpp1 protects telomeres and regulates telomere length.
Science, 320: 1341-1344. (2008) |
11. |
Hayashi, T., Hatanaka, M., Nagao, K., Nakaseko, Y., Kanoh, J., Kokubu, A., Ebe, M. and Yanagida, M.
Rapamycin-sensitivity of the S. pombe tor2 mutant and organization of two highly phosphorylated TOR complexes by specific and common subunits. Genes Cells, 12: 1357-1370. (2007) |
10. |
Shikata, M., Ishikawa, F. and Kanoh, J.*
Tel2 is required for the activation of Mrc1-mediated DNA replication checkpoint.
J. Biol. Chem. 282: 5346-5355. (2007) (* corresponding author) |
9. |
Kanoh, J.*, Sadaie, M. Urano T. and Ishikawa, F.
Telomere-binding protein Taz1 establishes Swi6 heterochromatin independently of RNAi at telomeres.
Curr. Biol. 15: 1808-1819. (2005) (* corresponding author) |
8. |
Kanoh, J., Francesconi, S., Collura, A., Schramke, V., Ishikawa, F., Baldacci, G. and Geli, V.
The fission yeast spSet1p is a histone H3-K4 methyltransferase that functions in telomere maintenance and DNA repair in an ATM kinase Rad3-dependent pathway.
J. Mol. Biol. 326: 1081-1094. (2003) |
7. |
Miyoshi, T., Sadaie, M., Kanoh, J. and Ishikawa, F.
Telomeric DNA ends are essential for the localization of Ku at telomeres in fission yeast.
J. Biol. Chem. 278: 1924-1931. (2003) |
6. |
Kanoh, J. and Ishikawa, F.
spRap1 and spRif1, recruited to telomeres by Taz1, are essential for telomere function in fission yeast.
Curr. Biol. 11: 1624-1630. (2001) |
5. |
Lopez-Girona, A.*, Kanoh, J.* and Russell, P.
Nuclear exclusion of Cdc25 is not required for the DNA damage checkpoint in fission yeast.
Curr. Biol. 11: 50-54. (2001) (* equally contributed) |
4. |
Kanoh, J. and Russell, P.
Slm9, a novel nuclear protein involved in mitotic control in fission yeast.
Genetics 155: 623-631. (2000) |
3. |
Kanoh, J. and Russell, P.
The protein kinase Cdr2, related to Nim1/Cdr1 mitotic inducer, regulates the onset of mitosis in fission yeast.
Mol. Biol. Cell 9: 3321-3334. (1998) |
2. |
Kanoh, J., Watanabe, Y., Ohsugi, M., Iino, Y. and Yamamoto, M.
Schizosaccharomyces pombe gad7+ encodes a phosphoprotein with a bZIP domain, which is required for proper G1 arrest and gene expression under nitrogen starvation.
Genes Cells 1: 391-408. (1996) |
1. |
Kanoh, J., Sugimoto, A. and Yamamoto, M.
Schizosaccharomyces pombe zfs1+ encoding a zinc-finger protein functions in the mating pheromone recognition pathway.
Mol. Biol. Cell 6: 1185-1195. (1995) |
英文総説 |
4. |
Kanoh, J.* and Yanagida, M.
Structure of TOR complexes in fission yeast.
Enzymes, 27: 271-284. (2010) (* corresponding author) |
3. |
Kanoh, J.* and Yanagida, M.
Tel2: A common partner of PIK-related kinases and a link between DNA checkpoint and nutritional response?
Genes Cells, 12: 1301-1304. (2007) (* corresponding author) |
2. |
Kanoh, J.*
Telomere-binding proteins in fission yeast.
Encyclopedia of Mol. Cell Biol. & Mol. Med. 14: 229-243. (2005) (* corresponding author) |
1. |
Kanoh, J.* and Ishikawa, F.
Composition and conservation of the telomeric complex.
Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 60: 2295-2302. (2003) (* corresponding author) |
邦文著書・総説 |
8. |
加納純子 他多数
東京化学同人・生物学辞典・初版 (2010) |
7. |
共立出版・細胞周期フロンティア 119-124. (2010) |
6. |
生化学・vol. 82: 57-60. (2010) |
5. |
共立出版・蛋白質核酸酵素増刊・染色体サイクル・vol. 54: 514-520. (2009) |
4. |
Springer Reviews・クロマチンと遺伝子機能制御 35-44. (2003) |
3. |
羊土社・実験医学増刊・ゲノム機能を担う核・染色体のダイナミクス・vol. 20, 1544-1549. (2002) |
2. |
共立出版・蛋白質核酸酵素増刊・DNA修復ネットワークとその破綻の分子病態・vol. 46, 1194-1200. (2001) |
1. |
日本生化学会・バイオサイエンスの新世紀 第6巻 細胞の誕生と死・86-99. (2001) |
Seminar / Symposium / Invited |
セミナー・シンポジウム・招待講演・業績発表会 |
26. |
第34回日本分子生物学会年会 ワークショップ「染色体諸機能を制御するクロマチンダイナミクス」 招待講演
HP |
25. |
大阪大学蛋白質研究所リトリート 招待講演
24. |
大阪大学寄附講座「酵母リソース工学」開設記念講演会 招待講演
23. |
第75回大阪大学生命機能研究科研究交流会 招待講演
HP |
22. |
九州大学Excellent Student in Science育成プロジェクト 第2回公開講演会
ポスター(pdf) |
21. |
第84回日本生化学会大会シンポジウム(京都) 招待講演
HP |
20. |
酵母研究会第73回講演会(神戸) 招待講演
HP |
19. |
第6回国際分裂酵母会議(pombe2011) 招待講演
HP |
18. |
International Symposium on the Physicochemical Field for Genetic Activities. 招待講演
HP |
17. |
16. |
15. |
14. |
ポスター(pdf) |
13. |
EMBO conference "Telomeres and the DNA damage response"
HP |
12. |
HP |
11. |
第5回研究所ネットワークシンポジウム |
10. |
第9回核ダイナミクス研究会 |
9. |
ポスター(pdf) |
8. |
HP |
7. |
The 4th International Workshop on Cell Regulations in Division and Arrest
HP |
6. |
国際シンポジウム "Chromosome cycle and genome dynamics"
HP |
5. |
第5回分裂酵母国際会議(Pombe 2009)
HP |
4. |
HP |
3. |
HP |
2. |
1. |
ポスター(pdf) |
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